About AffinityClick

AffinityClick is driven by one thing: helping our customers grow business through the latest IP telephony technology. Since 2013 AffinityClick has focused on offering the software expertise, systems, infrastructure, technology and business leadership that make it a leader in VOIP calling, mobile data, and messaging apps.

Now you can access AffinityClick tools and networks to accelerate your communication products to the next-level 🚀

Our Apps

AffinityClick apps are used by millions to keep in touch

Top Grossing App


Hushed makes it easy to get a second phone number for calling and texting.


Freshly launched!


Finding a new data plan just got a whole lot easier with aloSIM.


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Your Telephony App Partner

Need a development partner with a proven track record for delivering telephony apps? From design to development we can help.

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Great people making great products

Since 2013 AffinityClick has been building great products and an even better team. And we’re pretty proud of that. Come take a look...

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Everybody deserves secure, private, affordable communication tools

Justin Shimoon Affinityclick Co-Founder & CEO


  • “If you’re worried about the minutes left on your actual mobile phone contract, Hushed goes for VoIP, meaning it will default to making calls over Wi-Fi rather than the data network.”

    Eric Griffith PC MAG
  • "[Hushed is] ideal for communicating with anyone you don't necessarily want to have your number, like the person on Craigslist or a blind date you're meeting for the first time.”

    Allen Henry LIFEHACKER
  • "Depending on how long you’ll be visiting the U.S., you could potentially cover the cost of roaming for your entire trip with an [aloSIM] eSIM for less than it would cost for one day with a Canadian carrier."

    Jonathan Lamont from Mobile Syrup
    Jonathan Lamont MOBILE SYRUP

Quick facts

AffinityClick apps are used by millions to keep in touch

  • 500,000,000+

    Talk Minutes
  • 10,000,000+

  • 4.6

    Average app rating